Friday, September 14, 2012

Deep Pore Cleanser (Parental Discretion is Advised)

I don't even know where to begin with this... I am going to say that this post is not made for children. Here is the original post (Deep Pore Cleanser). Before I decided to try it, I was thinking this was a good idea, after completing it, not so much. And you will see why...

Ingredients were simple again:

1 tbs of non-flavored gelatin
1 1/2 tbs of milk (doesn't matter what kind)
I didn't have any measuring spoons so i "Honey Boo Boo'd" it and used a spoon. I used one spoonful of the Gelatine and 2 spoonfuls of milk.
Mix together until it is creamy in texture
Once you start mixing this stuff together, grab a close pin and put it on your nose because this mixture smells like shit!! I was gagging as I was mixing this.

Now be happy before you put it on, because then this is where this "Pin" goes downhill.
Here I am before I put the paste on my face

This is once all the stuff was on my face
Now this is where I'm going to change the name of this "Pin" from Deep Pore Cleanser to Jizz Cleanser. This stuff looked like I just got through with a gang bang. The texture, the smell, and how it looked reminds me of jizz. At this point, I was done.

I let this shit sit on my face for 5 minutes. Once it hardened, it was time to take off (notice that my lips are still red)
Good luck on this part!! The jizz basically turned into duck tape. It hurt so bad taking this stuff off and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.
There went my eyelid
The aftermath

Conclusion: STAY AWAY!!!  this caused more pain than enjoyment. My face doesn't feel any different and I had to rub some lotion on it, just to get rid of the redness. The point of this "pin" was to save money from buying pore strips or wipes, but shit... I would rather spend $50 than to go through this again. All that you will get from this is "Jizz in a Bag"

Kool-Aid Lip Stainer

I"m not one who likes to wear lipstick, let alone lip gloss. So when I saw this post ( I thought this was perfect for me. You can have the nice pink/redness to your lips, without the feel of it, or evening staining your teeth. Don't you love chatting with a woman who has red lipstick all over their teeth, and that's all you stare at?

Ingredients were simple:

1 packet of Kool-Aid
1 Q-Tip

Take the Q-tip and dip it in a bowl of water and then dab it in the Kool-Aid mix. After that, rub it all over your lips

*Make sure to rub it in all the way or you will get lumps

Now to get rid of the lumps, I was the dummy that decided to just lick my lips, and I forgot how sour Kool-Aid mix was and this was my reaction

Besides going into a diabetic shock from all the sugar in the mix, this "Pin" idea works!! I used the Cherry flavor, but I also bought strawberry to get a more pink color. It's been about 3 hours and my lips are still red. Now, I haven't been making out with anyone (yet), so I don't know how long it will last with certain factors, but after eating lunch and drinking, lips are still colored. The total cost of this was 20 cents! Take that Revlon